Not only is she a whiz at her studies, but she's also become a great role model. In this day of greedy capitalism, excessive individualism and loose morals, Shen Xin-Ling seems like an angel that fell out of heaven." (她不僅在學業上是神童,也是最佳楷模,當今世界盛行貪婪的資本主義、鬆散的道德標準,沈芯菱好比從天堂掉落凡間的天使) —Time for Students (時代雜誌)
Have you ever thought about making the world a better place but always fail to do so because you lack the strong belief that one person can actually make a difference? Then Shen Hsin-Ling's story is one you should hear. Elementary and high school students can now read about her expoits in textbooks."(你是否曾想讓世界變得更好,卻不相信獨自力量而放棄行動?那麼你必須聽聽沈芯菱的故事,現在台灣的國高中學生,都在教科書中讀到 她的事蹟)—The China Post英文中國郵報
"For most young people, computers and the Internet are there for video games, shopping, or homework. However, for 20-year-old Shen Hsin-ling, her computer is not just a tool or something used for work and fun. It is also a way to help those in need. (對多數年輕人而言,電腦是用來玩電動、購物或寫功課,但是對20歲的沈芯菱而言,科技不只是個工具,更能用來幫助需要的人)—AMC English